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____Fan Account ____"Eels Bốn Phương... "

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Đăng lúc 15-9-2011 02:06:31 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
2011 Asia Tour Cri Show – Bangkok (May 28, 2011) – Part 3

Posted on May 31, 2011 by shiro401

Umm, there’s not much I can say about the FM since it’s very similar to HK in the sequence, so… hmm, how should I do this?  Maybe the 10 things I remember most about this day? (almost not in any order) ^O^ Again, I won’t say I remember everything accurately. And this is just my opinion and impression… oh, and since they said not to take pics or vids, I didn’t take any.  And since this is the last Asia Tour show I could go, I didn’t want to miss even one minute of the show dealing with camera. So the pics are from elsewhere (credit at tagged).

#1) The day with him started when we were waiting for him at the hotel. Even when we’re the guest of the hotel, the staff was rude. I know they had their order that nobody should take pics/vids of Keun Suk leaving the hotel and to maintain order. It was understandable that they asked us to keep our camera (and even phone!) in the bag while we’re in the lobby (but think what if the guest is not an eel but someone on business who is waiting for an urgent call), but to ask our room number and how many people staying in the room wasn’t what I expected from a five-star hotel (never had this experience while we’re waiting for him in his other hotels). And then it happened! Keun Suk’s staff went down and waited for him at the lobby, with their cameras ready. And the hotel staff asked them to keep their cameras in their bags!! I was LOL-ing when his staff had to explain to them that they’re his staff,  Then Keun Suk came down, walking down the stairs to go to rehearsal. We didn’t even stand n greet him and just sat there with our eyes feasting on him  And when he left, they closed the door behind him, preventing anyone from the lobby to come out. Including his staff! *LOL again* They had to again say “staff! staff!” for the hotel staff to open the door for them hahahaha… *I swear I would never on my free will stay again in that hotel!*

#2) It’s about 4pm when we arrived at the venue. The line for the standing area was so long already, and the line for the merchandise was so short, so I decided to pick up the stuff I pre-ordered first (what a wise decision, because later on, the line was like they’re giving the stuff away for free. Even his father was impressed enough to take video of it ;P) The rehearsal was starting by then, and I could hear him singing Let Me Cry… then Oh My Darling… and so on. While it was great to get a bonus being able to hear him singing them, it also took the surprise element out from the show since we already knew what he’s going to sing even before it started *I remember how surprised I was in HK last year and this year when he sang a song I never expected to hear during the FM… and how high it made me feel*

#3) I’ve been telling my friends left and right how curious I was how he would look like in the FM with his new hair style. Would he let it loose? Would he tied it up? With his hair shorter, can he tie it up? It was answered the moment he came out. It was tied up just like his Let Me Cry cover pic, also with his customary black suit and white shirt. And he looked super good!! For the whole show!! *okay, judge for yourself  *
#4) While I always love watching him singing Oh My Darling, I think the Hong Kong performance was better. Oh, his voice was much better in Bangkok, and so did the sound system, but the dance and the feel was better in HK (or was it because it’s the first time I saw and heard it?) The plus thing here is we got to hear him singing it twice… or one and a half because he stopped in the middle of the song, asked us to make some noise and then started over ^O^

Which is also my biggest gripe about this FM because I didn’t find the audience high enough. Sure, they made noise when he asked, but otherwise not that much. And he asked several times for us to make some noise… *and I felt sorry to the people sitting in front of me because I kept screaming ^^;;*

#5) And I felt really really bad and sad for Sukkie during the photobook segment. The MC was asking him to show the audience the short movie he took in Budapest, and he had this look on his face while he said something like “well, you can always find it in youtube”. I can still recall that look even now… and it still makes me feel really wretched every time T_T

#6) Even when I don’t understand most of what were being said during the FM, I could see Sukkie wasn’t too happy with the MC and the translator (and later on my Thai friends confirmed this too). My friends said the MC joked too much, and the translator might be good in Korean, but not good in translating things to Thai. But there’s always a silver lining: later on Sukkie just took matters into his own hands (it’s so just like him ;p) and spoke mainly in English  *which is just fiiiiiine by me hahaha*

#7) Don’t get me wrong, it’s not at all bad in Bangkok. While he also sang Hello Hello both versions here, he sang the ballad version halfway before he changed into the fast version (while he sang only 3-4 lines in Singapore and Hong Kong). It was quite long that I thought he’s going to sing the ballad version in full. And here he had more interactions with the fans and much more playful. Like during the Lounge H segment, he took out a watergun and started spraying left and right, toward the standing areas and some VIP sections. Just my luck that the 2 front rows of where I was sitting were occupied by the Super VIP people, namely the promoter’s family and Suk’s parents so the whole A2 area was skipped by him T.T but his manager Eun Suk (who was standing near the stage in front of A2 area) got a headful of water kkkkk *and the poor guy also crawled later on to mop the stage ;p*

#8) Love how he interacts with Big Brother. They were talking about the show and Keun Suk asked him about the Bangkok show… and Big Brother asked the audience: are you f*cking ready?? Then Keun Suk cheekily asked him what’s the meaning of f*cking? ROFL and Big Brother said it means very very… so he was like ahhhh, so f*cking means very very HAHAHAHAHA Then he told the audience that Kurt’s nickname is Pimp, and Kurt elbowed him in embarassment LOLLLL Oh, how I love to see the friendships between the two ^O^

Ehm, let me just channel my justtt-little-bit pervie mode here: In this FM, I was sitting on the 5th row, dead smack center seat. And he’s gaining weight a bit, so his clothes were a little bit too tight on him. And it was sooooo wonderful to see him dancing in these clothes (especially the black pants), because his backside was much much fuller (especially in the black pants!! oyyy…) LOLZZZZ I was like O.O while he was dancing hahahaha Oh, and the tight white pants kept sliding off his hips too, and he had to pull them back up every time. Once, he pulled it up while doing some wiggle and sent a cheeky grin to the audience… LOL… ok, ok, back to my “proper” self

#9) my most memorable moment would be during the last song in Lounge H. He was asking the audience if he should sing domancho? Not many people answered him (maybe they don’t know the domancho song? O.o) Lily_white and I were standing up at that time, screaming at the top of our lungs: DOMANCHO!! And he looked at us (or our direction) and asked “you want domancho?” in English. Again, I screamed DOMANCHO!! (the poor people in front of me looked back and might have thought I was a crazy girl, but at that time I didn’t even care what people thought hahahaha) Then Kurt said maybe they should do Gotta Getcha instead. Keun Suk asked again to do yes or no using the hand signal.  The sad thing was, I didn’t hear what he said next, so I just did the Yes sign. Then he said “ok, then let’s hear it” in Korean and did Gotta Getcha instead T_T Not that I don’t love the song… but it’s a repeat since he did Gotta Getcha after Seungriharira during the Lounge H opening *sigh*

#10) Keun Suk said the last song was My Precious. Then after he sang it, he went back inside. And it was mind-boggling for me that the Super VIP people started to stand up and go. And even more jaw-dropping that the fans didn’t even shout his name or encore… or not that much (to think there were more than 3000 people there >.<  The lights were going on and off, on and off… then it became fully on and I was thinking “oh, shoot, will he eliminate the encore? But he hasn’t worn the I love Fan shirt yet!” Thank God that not long after, it dimmed again and he went out wearing the I love Fan shirt and bringing big Suni with him.  He sang Promise, then before he finished off the show, he said Suni wanted to speak something and he woof-woof-ed cutely at the audience LOL

Anyway, I think he did a great job in Bangkok. I enjoyed myself… and I really enjoyed the show. He could do with a more responsive audience though. Compared to Singapore and Hong Kong, I would say the other two shows are better, even though his singing is much better in Bangkok. BUT… after the show, I asked several people what they think, and they said the show was perfect… that they enjoyed it thoroughly and even thinking of going to Malaysia one.  And I think that’s what Keun Suk wants at the end: for the eels to spend time with him and enjoy it. So that makes it a super successful Bangkok Cri Show ^O^ *ahhh, so sad I couldn’t go to any more Asia tour stops after this T_T*

cre: http://shiro401.wordpress.com/20 ... 1-%E2%80%93-part-3/

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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 15-9-2011 02:07:25 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
2011 Asia Tour Cri Show – Bangkok (May 29, 2011) – Part 4
Posted on May 31, 2011 by shiro401

For me, the hardest part of being a fangirl, even more than finding time and money to see the star, is the withdrawal syndrome afterward.  And the one after Bangkok is the hardest I’ve ever experienced.

I was supposed to go home at 2pm on May 30, but I couldn’t make it to the airport and had to take the next flight, which was the next morning.  The withdrawal had already hit me even from the time I woke up.  Usually I know I’d see him again soon, so the withdrawal wouldn’t be too bad. But not this time.  I don’t plan to go to any other stop of his Asia Tour. Marry Me, Mary event in Japan is still so unclear at the moment, and the earliest I could think to see him again would be for the dinner show in Seoul next year T_T  That’s why the withdrawal hit me so bad this time… And it dogged me through the afternoon… up to the point that my chest hurt even while half of me was enjoying Johnny Depp on the big screen. So the moment the movie ended, I called up my friends and asked them where Sukkie was.

A friend said that she saw Sukkie leaving the hotel and going to Central World for a bit of shopping, so I started to make my way there.  Then she texted me saying that Keun Suk was said to be going to Kempinski instead, so we turned back and went to the hotel.  I told my friends that I was at Kempinski waiting for Suk (and just at that time I saw the Ole guy, so I knew he’s really there) so they made their way to Kempinski too.

By that time, rumors were abound. Some said he had canceled his flight that night and would go back the next day instead. Another rumor was that he would go vacationing in Thailand before going off to Kuala Lumpur, while I also heard he had filming to do in Seoul on Monday and Tuesday and would have to go back on Sunday. Then minutes later, another information was that he had reconfirmed his flight and would fly off that night as scheduled. While waiting for more confirmation, we also heard he was in a meeting with Ole at the hotel and that he would have dinner with them before going to the airport.  So we went up to our room, got ready then decided we would go straight to the airport and wait for him there. We’d have dinner in the airport to save time… (and regret it now because I heard he actually had dinner in one of the hotel restaurants then a swim before he went to the airport. And to think that our room had a pool view *sigh*)

Anyway, another friend called me and asked if I wanted to go inside the gate to send him off.  Hell, yeah!! ^______________^ She said she would arrange it for me… so around 9.30pm, she called me and directed me where to go and who to meet and in I went ^O^ Only 3 other people were there when I got to his departure area.  Then some more people (mostly Japanese fans) came in.  Around 10pm, I saw his manager Heungro walked with some of his staff. Then his parents walked past us. I kept my eyes trained to catch a sight of him.  Then I saw Jason… and knew he would be nearby ^.^ We started walking to the gate while looking back several times to see him walking behind us with his entourage (all the while I was thinking why am I walking in front of him ^^;; )

So I slowed myself down until I was walking behind him.  Just like when he arrived, I was looking at his back and thinking how come a guy’s skin could be so smooth LOL then something black on his wrist caught my eyes. I thought to myself, what was this guy doing wearing a wrist band at this time of night. Did he miss playing tennis that much? But at that moment, the wrist band flashed and I realized it’s not wrist band at all, but a bracelet! More correctly, a bracelet so similar to what I had given him in Singapore!!

So I hurried a bit trying to get a closer look at the bracelet. At one time, my friend and I walked right beside him. She gave him a gift and he smiled while looking at it and thanking her, saying it’s so cute.  I saw the bracelet clearly then. It was really what I gave him in Singapore!! Eyes like O.O and breathless, I said to him to have a safe trip back (so stupid!! should have said something better! T_T). He looked at me, smiled and nodded.

Then we arrived at his gate.  He didn’t go in straight away but had a little chat with the staff who sent him off (and Gunsama said no pics! so I didn’t take any… ^^;; ) And he spoke in English!! *sooooo happy!! ^_____^*  The promoter said  to him, “I’ll see you in Seoul” and Suk said “yeah, see you in Seoul.” Then he took pics with the staff: the Ole guy, the promoter, etc.  With Jason, he said, “so Friday in Malay, right?” and Jason said, “yes, see you Friday.”  They shook hands.  Then grinning, Keun Suk kissed Jason’s hand… and Jason retaliated by pretending to want to lick Suk’s hand and he yelled and snatched his hand back LOL While Jason and Gunsama had a manly handshake (like they’re going to arm wrestle  ), Keun Suk chatted with the promoter’s secretary and kissed the back of her hand too (aiyooo, lucky girl ^^;; )  Then Gunsama said they’d better go in, so in they went.

Afterwards, it’s the fans’ turn. Keun Suk waved at us (who were hanging by the railing like shouting monkeys ^^;; ) and said goodbye. When he’s right in front of me, I said the only thing I could think of: bye cri~ (again! -_-;; I need a better brain!!) and he waved and said bye back to me (which made me  so happy… I’m just so easy… ^^;; )  Then one Japanese fan waved the cover of Let Me Cry CD, and he took it and signed it on the spot!  He spoke a string of Japanese words and then “See you at the Arena” in English.  Before he went in, he did a turning dakchan pose, gave us flying kiss, then said “I love you!!” A last wave, then he was gone.

Then and there, half of my withdrawal syndrome was put to rest.  Being able to say goodbye directly to him amazingly worked wonder for me ^.^  And now I can tell myself that no matter when I’d be able to see him again, I know I will…

Until I see you again, Sukkie… missing you already… ^^

cre: http://shiro401.wordpress.com/20 ... may-29-2011-part-4/
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 15-9-2011 02:08:57 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
[Personal] Bangkok trip 27 May – 29 May 2011
Posted on May 31, 2011 by aphrael77

This is going to be a long-winded account that’s going to sound like my thank-you list (which, in fact, it is). Without the help and advice of many friends, my trip wouldn’t be as enjoyable and successful as it was. Erm, if I thank someone and use the wrong name, please blame it on my age and poor memory … So here it is, in no order of merit (lol):

First to Veron, thanks for saying that you’re going to Bangkok, otherwise I wouldn’t have gone. Thanks for your lively company, and for sharing everything with us, and for the spa contact too.

To Ferlyn, thanks for joining me on the trip (ok, I admit I was egging her on, but the more, the merrier!). I cannot remember which of us came up with the idea of staying at Four Seasons because we heard that JKS was staying there, so we booked a room there, and I had to “abandon” my original non-refundable hotel room booking at Centre Point Petchburi. Then later we heard that JKS was not staying at Four Seasons after all, because HS Media was unhappy with 411 Entertainment for posting JKS’ hotel on their website. Was disappointed, but what’s done was done. It was only on Fri 27 May afternoon that we heard news of JKS appearing for his press conference and interview at Four Seasons, but that did not necessarily mean he was staying there.

Then on Sat 28 May when we returned to the hotel at 2 pm plus and saw a crowd of fans waiting at the lobby, only then were we sure that JKS was staying there. I had entertained the thought of going back to Centre Point because of the free WIFI there, and so I was packing my luggage on Saturday when Ferlyn went back down to the lobby to catch a glimpse of JKS, and she did see him come down the main central staircase to go out to the Cri Show venue. When Ferlyn returned to the room, I had changed my mind and decided to continue my stay at Four Seasons. I thought that I could wait for JKS at the lobby for him to return from his Cri Show and private party, but in the end, was too tired to do that and anyway, I’ll be seeing him again in KL. So I didn’t manage to see JKS at the hotel at all.

And, I must say, Four Seasons Bangkok is really good. It was my first time staying at a 5-star hotel. The check-in was smooth, we got early check-in at around 11 am plus and were upgraded from Superior to Deluxe room. I was impressed, not just with the rooms but also with the friendliness, helpfulness and efficiency of the staff. We had several requests and needed the hotel to make arrangements for us, which they did.

Oh yeah, and Ferlyn is really good at taking the initiative to plan our programme details, so I didn’t have to worry too much and could leave it in her good hands. I sent her an initial schedule along the lines of “oh in the morning, we do this, this and this”. Then she sent me the updated schedule in Excel, with specific time and itinerary, along with the address and website address for info etc. Amazing … in the end, with all the things we had to do such as ticket collection, attending the fan-sign on 27 May, massage and shopping, our schedule looked even more packed than JKS’ schedule! Haha~

Next, thanks much to wap for providing the driver’s contact. He’s friendly, reliable, knows enough English for communication purposes and most of all, does not over-charge. For those of you going to Bangkok, you can contact him at +66 086 976 5943 or sms at +668 6976 5943. Ok, my brain is losing memory power, so I cannot recall who else to thank…. Also to those who offered invaluable tips like not wearing red and yellow in Bangkok, to move around in a group, thanks! …. Did I miss out anyone else?

Oh ya, one person that I’d like to specially thank here is Siqi. She lives in Bangkok and wants to meet up, so we arranged to meet at the Cri Show venue. Well, it is the first time I’ve met up with an overseas friend online, and I’ve not talked to her before, so I didn’t know what to expect or even what to say. Upon reaching there, Siqi said she had something to give me, and I was really surprised at the gifts she showered upon me – a “I love JKS” t-shirt that I have been thinking of getting, a poster, a mouse-pad, 2 pens with JKS on it! Siqi, thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind thoughts and gestures!

Poster & t-shirt (sorry, the other gifts are still buried somewhere in my luggage). The fake Tiffany bracelet is my purchase from BKK.
Now, even if she did not give me anything, I would have been equally glad to meet her too (am I the kind of person who only likes gifts?! XD ), because she’s warm and friendly, and kept thanking me for the blog and saying that she appreciated my efforts. I feel a bit shy to be thanked so profusely, but it’s nice to be appreciated

Our pic below – which may be removed if Siqi objects since I’ve posted this first without waiting for her consent. Erm, I’m the one who looks more like a panda with my late nights ….. and rest assured it’ll be the only pic of me that I’ll ever be posting, since I hate to appear in photos…Can I trust you ladies not to put this pic anywhere else? Thanks!

Just want to take the chance to say, I appreciate all of you for visiting my blog too. JKS not only has Korean, Japanese and Chinese fans, he has fans from many other countries too, and if my article translations and such help more people get to know and love JKS, then I feel that my efforts have not been wasted. From the time I started this blog in Jan 2011 with only 10 or 20 daily visitors, to monthly unique visitors at 10,000 and now 27,000 unique visitors for May 2011, thank you! It is a source of motivation for me to continue (though a bit stressful too), knowing that people are waiting to hear more JKS news to go with their breakfast (haha!) or at the end of their work day.

Bangkok has this knack for making people return with double the amount of luggage, and the above new suitcase I bought is evidence of that ^^ When I realised I needed one more suitcase, the thought of getting a leopard-print one came unbidden to my mind, and you all know who I blame for that! And while I was checking in at the Bangkok airport, the lady officer at the airline counter commented a couple of times that it was a beautiful suitcase!

Finally, on a note unrelated to the Bangkok trip, I have to say a BIG “thank-you” to Carol70 … I don’t know what to do without her! Usually our correspondence runs like this (LOL):

“Do you want this JKS merchandise?”
“Do you want this JKS merchandise?”
“Do you want this JKS merchandise?”

So even before I step into Malaysia for the KL Cri Show, I have chalked up a debt of RM 219 already (that was after much restraint on my part) … just joking! I’m very thankful to her for going out of her way to buy or find JKS stuff for me, checking out many things for me, and sharing many JKS-related stuff with me too. Carol, I owe you dinner!

Oh ya, I nearly forgot to add this last part about my “cute” family. At Bangkok airport, I called my sister to convey a message to my dad to pick me up at Changi airport, and gave her my flight details. Upon arrival back in Singapore, I found out it was my brother who came. That’s fine. He brought his wife and little boy Kivan, which is fine too. What is not fine is that he brought my sis’ boy Ethan, whom I nickname the “terrorist” – believe me, he is one. I have lost track of all the terrible things he did. So the 2 little boys ran around the airport, with my bro and his wife taking turns to chase after them. Here’s a video of them – we asked them questions about who is smarter, who is taller, who is naughtier etc (p.s. The terrorist is the one on the right).

Finally, just a note to say that I will not be taking any pic or video at Kuala Lumpur Cri Show, because

-        Hopefully, the Bangkok Show’s Lounge H videos are sufficient for you already
-        Most of the content will be similar
-        I better stop posting so many illegal videos before I get caught
-        I would like to just enjoy the Show without being distracted by my camera and how to hide it

Will let you all know how things turn out generally in KL

cre: http://jangkeunsukforever.com/?p=4813

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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 15-9-2011 02:10:34 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
28 May 2011 Bangkok Cri Show – Part 1
Posted on May 29, 2011 by aphrael77

Pics/video/text credits: Aphrael77

Just some pre-amble before going into the Cri Show… based on my limited experience so far, it is definitely not easy to be a fan.

Pre-requisites of being a fan:

1.        Thick-skinned

Security at Thai Cri Show was even tighter than Singapore. The lady security staff even patted my back pocket to search for cameras. I had asked Ferlyn to smuggle her slim compact camera in, so that got me worried but we managed to get through. However, in the process of trying to film, I was warned by security 3 times. All the other people were taking videos using their mobile phones, but since I had a camera, I was the only one being stopped. Usually, I wouldn’t be so thick-skinned to engage in something so blatantly illegal, but all I wanted was to take clear videos of JKS.

In the end, since the use of mobile phones was permitted, I resorted to my mobile phone too. That explains why I don’t have videos of the first fan-meeting part, because I was struggling with an unfamiliar camera, various technical problems and the strict security. Not much loss there, since the fan-meeting part is quite similar to other Cri Shows.

Also apologies in advance for the lack of clear pics and videos. I’ll still be posting several videos in later posts. They may not be super clear, but I think they should be enough for a general feel of the Cri Show.

For video clarity, I would strongly encourage JKS supporters to buy his official Asia Tour 2011 DVD IF it is released. I will get it too. If you haven’t been there at his Cri Show, the DVD is the next best thing because you can see him up close in the comfort of your own home

2.        Endurance

The videos I took were definitely not comprehensive. After holding the phone camera up for 1 minute of a song, my arms started to ache like mad and are still aching now …. (I didn’t know that camera-holding counts as exercise that can cause muscle ache …. suppose if I do more of this, I may get slimmer arms XD ), and it was only sheer willpower that sustained me till the end of a song. So sometimes my video will start halfway into the song and not at the beginning. Again, for a complete viewing experience, please support JKS’ DVD.

I mean, I did not even tail JKS after the Cri Show, while some other fans, after a long and tiring day, after hours of standing at the Cri Show, still managed to do that….

Ok, back to the Cri Show proper, so what is the difference between Bangkok Cri Show and the Shows in other countries?

The first fan-meeting part is generally the same, starting with the songs “Let me cry” and “Oh my Darling”, followed by the interview in Thai. The animated and cute emcee kept us entertained even though we didn’t understand the language. The only two questions I understood were one asking whether JKS liked Go Mi-nam better or Wi Mae-ri better. Also, JKS described Hwang Tae-kyung as a bad boy and the emcee asked JKS whether he was a bad boy like HTK. JKS’s answer was “Sometimes.” Well, at least, he’s an honest and cute bad boy : p

Similarities are: playing the selection of scenes from “Marry me Mary”, singing the slow and fast versions of “Hello Hello”, interview related to M3, showing of his Europe trip DVD scenes and selection of photos (with a few new photos that are wonderful), selection of scenes from “You are Beautiful” and picking 3 lucky fans based on ticket seat number to answer questions about YAB.
Now I didn’t deliberately take these pics below – just that the camera happened to be working at that time, so I captured these shots ^^ JKS hugged the 3 lucky winners who were up on stage to receive their prize for answering YAB questions accurately.And below is a string of pics showing JKS at the interview segment.
For the fan account part 2 showing the very exciting Lounge H, check back again a day later!

cre: http://jangkeunsukforever.com/?p=4783
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 15-9-2011 02:10:58 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Bangkok Cri Show 28 MAy 2011 – Part 2 Lounge H
Posted on May 30, 2011 by aphrael77

Text / video credits: Aphrael77

* Note: Between these two conflicting feelings to share JKS’ wonderful LH performance with his fans and to respect JKS’ rights to his performance (I suspect I’ll get blasted by other eels for posting all the videos that I have, not many, erm, just 13?), I have decided to post the LH videos up until Thurs 2 June night (Singapore time), then I’ll remove all except two. Although the video quality and audio is not good, you can keep them for your personal viewing if you wish to but please refrain from re-posting them elsewhere.
The real star of the show is the Lounge H (LH) segment. As always, JKS is the master of the stage – he shines on stage and whipped up the atmosphere. The flashing beams of green laser, combined with the music and JKS’ energetic dance, made the fans feel so high (p.s. I take back my words, JKS can dance quite well ^^ ). JKS is simply wonderful in the Lounge H performance – no words can fully describe that feeling when he’s on stage performing LH.

Somehow, I love to watch JKS swinging that big flag, maybe it’s because he looks cool and manly doing that?

There are plenty of new elements added to spazz up the LH segment. First, there is the water-gun that JKS was using on stage to spray at the audience. Besides drenching himself in water (omg, you can’t believe how sexy it is to witness that live), he ‘drank’ the water into his mouth and sprayed that out at fans too (I almost couldn’t believe my eyes!), and he did that a couple of times.
By now, JKS’ manager and Jason Jang are fast becoming a fixture at his Cri Show, being pulled onstage to do a dance. Jason Jang’s dance was really quite cute and the two of them did some hot dancing too! JKS even pulled the Ole boss on stage too, and he was game enough to dance!
Last song for the night – JKS brought a big-sized Sunni stuffed toy up on stage, walked “Sunni” on a leash, picked it up in the middle of the song and kissed it. And watch out for the end of the song! So cute!

From someone who does not like partying at all and does not like JKS’ “goody boy” image to be tarnished by previous LH “wild” photos circulated on the internet, I am now completely a LH convert. Such is the amazing charm of Jang Keun Suk. So does LH show the “wild” partying side of JKS and is therefore detrimental to his image as an actor and star? Yes to the first part and NO to the second. Like what JKS said, “sometimes” he’s a naughty boy – but naughty in the sense of liking to have fun, to party with friends, to dance, drink, enjoy the music and let himself go. He parties with fans too! Unlike some other superficial artistes who put up a fake image of being oh-so-good and perhaps have some negative habits or behaviour which they try to conceal from fans or mass media, the Jang Keun Suk you see (on stage, on camera) is the Jang Keun Suk he is – a genuine, warm-hearted man and shining star who is as sincere as can be. Don’t we all love him for his refreshing honesty amidst his one-thousand-and-one charms and talents?

At the end of the Cri Show, JKS said, “See you next year!”
And for my dear fellow fans/friends Ferlyn, Veron and myself, yes, we promise we’ll be back for another round of JKS fan-meeting and/or Lounge H, any time in Bangkok.

cre: http://jangkeunsukforever.com/?p=4804
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Đăng lúc 15-9-2011 02:13:08 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Tường thuật của 1 non-fan:

Sukkie showed his fans the time of their lives

“Malaysian fans make me crazy, high and hot”, says the versatile Korean performer. Jang Keun Suk performed for his fans at Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center on 4th June 2011.

It was his very first visit to Malaysia and the 24 year-old confessed that what seemingly started off as a “small show”, turned out to be such a great experience for himself. He was overwhelmed by the show of love from his Malaysian fans and his experience here brought back fond memories of his very first fan meeting in Japan.

Earlier, the star met up with more than 500 VIP and VVIP fans showing them an awesome time and exhibited top notch fan service at a special fan signing and photo session.

The CRI Show differs from the rest because the 24 year-old talent portrayed different characters through-out the night and showed us his versatility as an entertainer. He performed a total of 10 songs in the two-part show which lasted a good two and a half hours. Definitely giving fans a huge dose of Jang Keun Suk.

He charmed the his fans by his witty and down-to-earth personality, serenaded them with his love ballads and transported the crowd to party at Lounge H with DJ Big Brother (Kurt Jung).

Introducing the singer Jang Keun Suk

The CRI Show Live in Malaysia started in good time and Jang Keun Suk came on stage in a dapper suit singing Let Me Cry and Oh My Darling (오 마이 달링).

MC for the night Owen Yap and an interpreter appeared on stage for the short chat sessions with Jang. However, Jang who is fluent in both English and Japanese only needed the interpreter when he wanted to express himself better by using his native Korean.

The entire part 1 of the show had Jang performing his songs with short intermittent breaks for interview sessions and a Q&A game.

In the first chat session, Jang Keun Suk thanked his fans for making his debut album “Let Me Cry” so successful. The album has sold 17,000 copies so far.

He also told fans that he is currently in the midst of filming a movie You’re My Pet back in Seoul. “It’s still very cold back in Korea, but it’s hot here in Malaysia.” says Jang.

When asked, why does he call the show “The CRI (pronounced “cree”) Show”? Jang explains, “Cri is an abbreviation of the word critical. I just love to use the word CRI and want to show the critical side of myself, for my EELS (fans) all over the world.”
Local MC Owen Yap impressed Jang with his Hangul-mal
J Diary & J in Europe

Fans were given a sneak preview of Jang’s 45-minute short movie of himself in Europe. J Diary is an artistic short movie that shows details of the emotions he feels when he is looking for love. It definitely shows off the romantic side of JKS, and fans get a good 45-minute of screen time alone, with Jang. The film was shot in various parts of Europe like Budapest, Belgium and United Kingdom.

Next, they show a couple of stills of J in Europe and fans scream with excitement. In one particular shot where Jang was on a bicycle wearing a red suit, he commented “People in Europe saw this and thought I was gay. Don’t worry, it’s just the concept. I’m straight.” Oh, thank God for that!

When asked by MC Owen Yap to name the best place to visit in South Korea, Jang replies “Han River, Insadong and my home, my bed, my kitchen…living room”. The star would love for his fans to get to know him more.

Marry Me, Mary – Kang Mu Kyul

In the next session, Jang dressed in an Indie rock outfit and sang songs from the drama Marry Me, Mary (Mary Was Out All Night). He sang My Bus (부탁해) and Hello Hello.

Jang is very similar to his character in the drama because he would like to be free and easy like Kang Mu Kyul.

Do you want to get married as early as Kang Mu Kyul? His answer, is “Yes, I want to get married as early as possible.”

When asked which type of women he likes, Jang says he likes feminine girls – like Mary (instead of Mina in the drama).

And to the question “Are you going out with Park Shin Hye in real life?” he replies, “Honestly, I did go out with Park Shin Hye, in just the drama.” Jang is such a tease and his fans totally enjoyed the interview session.

You’re Beautiful

After taking the audience down memory lane by showing video clips of the drama You’re Beautiful, Jang appears on stage with “apple” hair, a dark coloured shirt and tailored pants, portraying the arrogant Hwang Tae Kyung.

This is when they selected three lucky fans for the YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL GIRL Q&A session. To be fair, Owen and Jang drew ticket stubbs out of a box to pick the girls. Those who answered the questions correctly, were given special souvenirs of Hwang Tae Kyung.

Jang also reveals his favourite hairstyle to his fans. He favours his longer hairstyles, right fitting pants and eyeliner!

I liked the part where Owen Yap says “This is the end for me, my script ends here. Are you sure you will be able to handle it from here.” In typical Hwang Tae Kyung manner, Jang replies curtly “Yes, no problem.”

Jang then sings Still (여전히) to mark the end of Part I of the show.

Jcrishowmalaysiajangkeunsuk Jang Keun Suk – THE CRI SHOW LIVE IN MALAYSIA

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Đăng lúc 15-9-2011 02:13:31 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Part II : The Night of Jang Keun Suk

What happened in Part II of Jang Keun Suk’s The Cri Show was totally unexpected for me – a JKS n00b. Jang showed off his versatility by exploding on-stage, clad in white skin-tight pants, matching zipped up white leather jacket with hair tied back in a slick pony tail, dancing and rapping to Team H‘s electro-house music. The typical Korean fan meet atmosphere changed into party mode. The stage came alive with laser lights and the crowd was transported to Lounge H.

On stage with Jang was his effing partner in crime, DJ Big Brother (Kurt Jung). The pair started off with Seungriharira (승리하리라), the Lounge H theme song and followed with Gotta Getcha and Shake It.

Jcrishowmalaysiafans Jang Keun Suk – THE CRI SHOW LIVE IN MALAYSIA

It’s party time with Team H

Big Brother was manning the DJ station, spinning and scratching the turntable while Jang woed the crowd with his dancing and cheeky antics.

At one point, Jang borrowed a crew’s flashlight and used it to shine at his fans like a search light, placing it close to the side of his head. He also poured water on himself and wiped it off with a fresh white towel – much to the screaming fans delight.

Team H actually consist of seven members, inclusive of Big Brother (BB) and Jang Keun Suk (fondly known as Sukkie to his beloved fans). H here stands for Hanyang University as they are students from the university. They come together, each bringing their own experties to organize parties and events – under the brand name Lounge H.

Jang asked his fans to wait patiently for the Team H debut album which will be released soon (as promised by Big Brother).

After the wild party, both Jang and BB disappeared back-stage and a background story of The Cri Show video clip was played on the giant screen.

Message From The Heart

http://i669.photobucket.com/albu ... rishowmalaysia4.jpg
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Đăng lúc 15-9-2011 02:13:53 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Jcrishowmalaysia4 Jang Keun Suk – THE CRI SHOW LIVE IN MALAYSIA

“I nearly killed myself backstage” said Jang when he reappeared shortly after, dressed in a body hugging shimmering knit top.

Sitting on a high stool, Jang then proceeded to deliver a heartfelt monologue to his beloved Malaysian EELS (fans).

    “This is my first time in Malaysia. Although the stage is small, I had a lot of fun tonight. You fans made the show bigger. Thank you so much for being here with me.

    This show reminds me of my first fan meeting in Japan. Although it started small, you all made it big. I am big in Asia because of you.

    This show in Malaysia brings back fond memories of my first fan meeting and I really appreciate it.

    Tonight I found out why I can never get any rest. Till I die, I’ll never stop and I hope you guys will be there for me.

    Thank you Malaysia. Thank you so much. We can meet again next time right?

    Wherever you go if you wait for me, I’ll be there.

    You guys are my precious. My Precious

    I’ll never stop. See you soon!”

Jang proceeded to sing one of his favourite songs “My Precious” after that heart-warming farewell message.

As an encore, Jang appeared in his I ♡ Fan tee (a response to I ♡ JKS tees his fans wear) and sang “Promise”.

The CRI Show ended with a burst of streamers and Jang waved his final good-bye saying “I love you from my heart…”

cre: kpopped
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Đăng lúc 15-9-2011 02:14:53 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Fan account tại triển lãm Shibuya

Credit: 银杏屋 + Aphrael77

On Thursday, I had just ordered some bookmarks and felt happy. Since I was in Tokyo already, I made a trip to Shibuya to visit “JKS room” which was not originally part of my schedule. Not that I don’t want to go. Firstly, his exhibition will be open soon in Yokohama. Secondly, I really don’t have the time to queue for several hours.

At Parco, the first thing I saw was naturally this JKS in front of the café. It was not a rest day and it was mid-afternoon, so those working and studying shouldn’t be here right, but the café was still so full and there was a crowd sitting or standing outside waiting. Looks like I could not fill my stomach here.
Luckily, it wasn’t like the first day when the queue started from level 8 all the way to basement. Nevertheless, there were still many people. The age range of fans? There were those in baby prams, those with white hair, a young and sweet couple and also a middle-aged man standing in queue on behalf of his wife. The big-sized management guys held up signs, shouting “The end of the queue for JKS Room is here!” and “Please enter the room first before taking any photo, don’t stop moving!”
The restaurant next to the exhibition venue displayed the Seoul makkori advertisement and also a JKS set meal for 2,500 yen.
Photography was forbidden inside the exhibition area. Aftter entering, I was looking around when suddenly behind me came JKS’ voice “Welcome! Have a fun time!” Although I have seen this video, I was still surprised. The items on display in the Room were not luxurious, just some daily necessities, but I felt a sense of awe and worship emanating from the visitors. Besides bated breath, the only other words I heard was “ka-wa-ii~~!!” [cute]

Several large photos were hanging in the exhibition area. Because of the high resolution, my eyes unconsciously became drawn to that photo of JKS lifting up his shirt to reveal his belly button, then I hastily turned my attention to those hairpins and glasses of aromatherapy candles, thinking that if the hairpins really had been pinned on some hair, it would be much more realistic. The little beauty in front leaned against the glass display, and the bathrobe inside moved, I thought it was JKS! Hastily discarding unbidden thoughts ...
Not everyone put their face against that bolster. Everyone was looking at it longingly. I discovered that those who came with companions were more daring. They would touch and stroke JKS’ face on the bolster and say sweetly, “So soft, so comfortable~ Keun-chan~~!!” After much struggling with my thoughts, I stretched out my hand, but there was a surge in the crowd and I missed my chance.

This was the only part of the exhibition area where photography was allowed. At the exit near this board, there were a little black curtain and women who entered it came out with a mysterious and incredible smile on their faces. Suddenly I thought of this phrase “[~intimate visit by emperior]“. So when I was led in, I was slightly nervous. JKS said (presumably video) “Had a fun time? Hope you’ll come again!”
What was most touching was all the fans’ messages to JKS within that heart shape where JKS had written “I permit you to leave a message for me”. Each message was full of sincerity; on some were stamped with his image and some had the imprint of lips/kiss. I saw a well-dressed white-haired granny, together with a group of girls, bent at the table, writing line after line.

At JKS confectionery workshop, 80% of the confectionery was sold out and red “Sold Out” labels could be seen everywhere and stocks had not arrived – amazing, given that there were still 10 days left of the exhibition. I had forgotten to pray to the Rain God, so it was raining heavily when I stepped out and I had to go and buy an umbrella.

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Đăng lúc 15-9-2011 02:15:26 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
[Fan Account] From tenshi_akuma at 28 June press conference & autograph

Blog : jangkeunsukforever.com

At long last, I saw JKS in person and he called me my name “KAORI-chan” in Japanese!!!! I still feel as if I were walking on air…. *sigh*

So I want to share my super blissful experience, but I went blank and forgot the last moment with my love JKS, more’s the pity…  

I managed to control my feeling not to cry and faint, but just seeing real JKS entering the room from a distance made me start to tremble from top to toe.

There were lucky 300 winners by lottery. (I don’t know the exact number of applicants, but today it is reported that the total number of subscription readers (pre-orders) was up to 50,000 now.

As it would take a long time to finish all the autograph, the event must have been well-organized. So we had to line up in order with an autographed object.

I mean we had to choose one object to be autographed from 4 compornents (the cover, favorite page of the book, behind-the-scene photo book, or behind-the-scene DVD) of “The Romance JPLUS PHOTOGRAPH COLLECTION Limited” beforehand. I chose the cover.

Waiting in a line, my heartbeat quickened and my body was trembling with happiness. I was about to faint and trip walking on the stage.
And finally my turn has come! JKS received the cover from the staff, then he signed on it by adding my name “かおりちゃんへ in Japanese(To Kaori in English).”
I was sooooo surprised and after that he called my name, “Kaori-chan, thanks for coming!” with shaking hands!

Why was I so surprised to see his writing? Because at first we were requested to write our name using alphabets, so I wrote my first name “KAORI.” But after he read the letters “KAORI”, he rewrote it in Japanese!!!! He is amazingly good at writing Japanese alphabets “Hiragana!”

Sorry, the last part of what he said to me was my imagination…. I remember he called my name in Japanese and we shook hands… but I was so happy and nervous that it was quite hard for me to stay calm.

After shaking hands with him, eels had to walk down the stage immediately. But I had a special message I would like to convey no matter what. So I did it though I nearly fainted. I said to him in Japanese, “I came here from Ibaraki. We’re waiting for your coming.” Happily, he responded to Ibaraki.

I didn’t choose a love message. I chose my wish for his coming to Ibaraki to shoot YMP. Besides, I wanted to let him know Ibaraki’s recovery. I hope he’ll come here around August as previously scheduled.

I don’t know how many Ibaraki eels participated in this event. And I don’t know how many of them did the same thing as me. If I were only one, I might make some impression on him. In addition, I wrote a letter including the same message and my pic and angel(tenshi) pic. So if he read it later, he might remind of me!!!!!  My attempt to pass him my small present and letter directly ended in failure, but in case of that I chose an impressive wrapper. See the elephant splashing water! It’s so cute, isn’t it? And JKS loves to play splashing water,too!  

Back to the main story.

When I went out the room after saying my special message, I could hardly stand straight. So I stood with my back against a big column and breathed a sigh of relief again and again. Then a TV crew asked me for an interview and I accepted. I don’t know my comment was used on TV because there were many healthy eels there! Lol! The reason why I accepted was I wanted to let them know JKS’ charm isn’t only his good looks but his personality. They asked me a usual question, “What JKS’ charm fascinates you most?” I answered definitely, “It’s his professionalism.” They looked a little surprised at my unexpected answer. But they were nodding earnestly.

Anyway, I wasn’t so brave in front of my dear JKS… but he was amazingly nice. He looked perfectly as same as I saw him through vids or something. Maybe he was much more beautiful than ever I had seen. So I’m afraid if it was a dream, but it was real. His autograph is proof of my first meeting with him.
From Mr. H’s blog: Shoot for Men’s Non-No

English translation: tenshi_akuma
Source blog: Mr. H
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