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Tác giả: ver219
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[Other] Những Ngày Không Vui

[Lấy địa chỉ]
 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 11-7-2018 23:46:57 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
"Hello, it's me again. Aren't you just disappointed?"

Lăn qua lăn lại, cảm thấy mình vô dụng vãi nồi.
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 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 17-7-2018 04:34:52 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Oh gosh, like seriously? Who would do that, ever? Honestly speaking, it took too much of my effort but nothing gained whatsoever. I mean, I'm fine with doing other stuff but that's not how it goes really. Grow up! Geez!
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 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 20-7-2018 22:35:30 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
"Thôi đừng tiếp tục nữa."

Got home at 1AM, came into my room exhausted. Brushed my teeth while sitting on the bathroom floor. Barely be able to get up. Cleaned my face while sitting on the bathroom floor, again. It ached. Thought to myself, was it worth? Deadly tired and famished. Quick shower then off to bed. My back was in pain only trying to lay down. Struggled for a while until I could close my eyes. Did not get any sleep. At all.

Next morning, I woke up at 5. Busy getting ready to for another job. Took a 30 minute drive. Dad called. Realized my voice cracked and was slightly sore.

Arrived at workplace, heard bad news then headed home. Had a quick breakfast then got ready for work, again.

Know damn well I won't be home until 1AM. Again.
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 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 11-8-2018 12:49:24 | Chỉ xem của tác giả

Mỗi lần tôi di chuyển là một con người mới được dựng thành dựa trên nguyên tác. Cho dù mọi phiên bản có chung một nguồn gốc, sự chênh lệch giữa quan điểm và cảm xúc chắc chắn không nhỏ. Thế nào đi chăng nữa, tôi cũng vẫn nằm trong một vòng lẩn quẩn của dòng đời.

Hiện tại, tôi đang làm ở một nhà hàng lớn của thành phố. Tôi dành năm ngày một tuần để làm việc và hai ngày nghỉ để giải quyết việc cá nhân. Như mọi khi, chủ đích của tôi khi ở chốn làm việc là chỉ tập trung hoàn thành công việc của mình thật tốt và hiệu quả. Những việc như kết bạn, tụ tập hoặc lấy lòng chủ và quản lý hẳn là không nằm trong dự định của tôi. Thế nào đưa đẩy, tôi lại khá hợp với một đứa đồng nghiệp này.

Quen nhau chưa tròn một tháng, tôi đã đi ăn với nó được ba lần. Mỗi khi tan làm, nó đều rủ tôi tìm nơi nào đó vừa ăn vừa tán dóc. Đại đa số những chuyện nó kể đều là than phiền về công việc và mấy đứa làm chung với nó. Tôi như thường lệ, vừa ăn vừa nghe vừa gật gù tỏ vẻ chăm chú. Mọi chuyện vẫn bình thường cho đến khi tôi vừa trở về sau khi hai đứa ăn ở nhà hàng gần chỗ làm. Tôi thẩn thờ ngồi bên cửa sổ một lúc lâu, cho đến khi điện thoại rung lên tin nhắn nhóm.

Tôi tự hỏi liệu mình có mở lòng nhiều quá rồi không, hay tôi nên cắt đứt mọi thứ trước khi lịch sử lặp lại. Quãng thời gian đen tối đấy, tôi không muốn nhớ cũng không muốn nghĩ đến. Nếu tôi cứ để thị phi làm đầy bộ nhớ, lấy sự hỗn loạn, tâm tư của người khác làm cầu nối cho tiền đề xã hội, liệu tôi có đang sống thật với bản thân mình không? Hay lại là một phiên bản, một cái bóng của hình tượng tôi xây dựng để mọi người nhìn thấy?
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 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 21-8-2018 04:23:57 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
August 22, 2017.

That was the day I first met her in person after talking with her on the phone two days before that. Who would have thought after that meeting, we could become friends.

Happy one year anniversary of knowing each other, V. It's an honor meeting and being friends with you.

Bình luận

eh, can I take it back?  Đăng lúc 23-6-2022 11:01 AM
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 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 4-9-2018 12:07:02 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Nói đi phải nói lại: TS muốn thăng thiên lắm rồi. Kiếm của ông đâu!

Đến tận bây giờ vẫn chưa tìm được mục tiêu sống.. Như thế chẳng phải vô dụng quá hay sao... Nếu như bản thân mình có thể ngông cuồng và thần kinh như TS thì có lẽ bây giờ không phải ngày nào cũng phải giả điên với mấy thể loại thiểu năng đần độn này rồi. Khóc ròng...

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 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 6-9-2018 02:49:31 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Hôm nay quả thật không biết nói sao nữa. Người ông đây mở cửa cho vào nhà chơi thì lại đóng mẹ cửa khi ông đây gõ cửa nhà nó. Chẳng phải muốn thăng thiên thì là gì? Thiệt không hiểu mấy đứa là làm sao nữa. Tại sao không đàng hoàng sống đi. Cuộc đời đã ngắn ngủi, tự dưng lại mang theo hận thù, chế giễu người khác?

Đừng đi rêu rao những tin đồn vô duyên vô cớ thế nữa. Câm miệng lại để cho đời ông đây yên tĩnh. Đúng là ăn cháo đá bát. Đáng ra ban đầu đừng tin tưởng nó như thế thì tổ tông đây không phải đau đầu như bây giờ. Thất vọng quá!

Cút! Cút! Cút mau!

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 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 9-9-2018 14:57:49 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Because most of the time I spend when I have nothing to do is to lay down in my bed, stare at the ceiling and slowly drown into sleeping. It's not like normal or typical adults' life, you know. They would meet up and eat out and stuff but not me though. I can "eat out" and by that, I mean go out, buy food and have it in my room. I'm that boring and not worth anyone's time really. I'm so not me right now, if that makes sense, like, I know that I should not say that, but out of curiosity that how they would react when I do, I just burst out doing it eventually. Of course, I regret it right after but I know I will get over that feeling soon enough. I do hope they do not take those things I said or did personally, because they were not my real intention you know. It really was not, not at all. I really do need to learn how to control my temper and hurtful words.

Frankly speaking to you, I honestly don't care, not about anything specifically, just in general. Like if you say you hate me to guts, I really don't care. It's just that you know, it's just who I am. Obviously it applies the same as when you say you like me or what, I will just say thank you and move on. I know sometimes I disappoint you all and hurt your feelings, not intentionally, but that's all I can do. I'm an idiot, you know that right?

Sigh, I really am tired right now. Like, hours of working and no sleep for the last two days, it is killing me right now. Haven't eaten anything besides a bowl of salad (mostly shredded lettuce, slices of tomatoes, quail eegs, tofu/fish tofu, few pieces of shrimps and vinegar as dressing)... I'm going to stop here to get some songs in my head and call it a (freaking long) day. Good night guys!
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 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 10-9-2018 11:19:42 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Lại một ngày nữa trôi qua nè. Toàn gặp thiểu năng khốn khiếp.
Không vui.
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 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 14-9-2018 09:38:09 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Everybody is on edge.

It seems like everything is going wrong in every possible way. Because to let you know fully what I am trying to say here, I will have to tell you a bit background of this story. So, I happened to know this couple, Andrew and Catherine, a few years back when I was working for an international company. They were our partners and attended almost every important meeting of the company. The reason for the two partners came to our company was to expand their business. They were trying to get their second restaurant into operation. After a few days of discussion, they decided to pick me as their manager for the restaurant as well as handling any problem arising with their business. I was, at that time, working on a crucial project related to domestic food consumption and getting a second degree in civil engineering. If you don't already know, I was swarmed with the workload that I barely had time to eat or sleep. I lost ten pounds in two months and I felt weaker than ever. But still, because the love of money, I foolishly got the job they offered.

I took the responsibility of training their front of the house staff and showing them the professional service their employers were expecting the restaurant to have. The difficult part of the job was to convince the staff to take me seriously. Since the majority of the servers was underaged, all they wanted to do was to chill and kill the hours. Frankly speaking, I did not mind their lack of respect, my goal was to finish the job and get the hell out of there. It took me two months to entirely got them into the desired mould and hours of constant vigilance to manage the huge restaurant. They were, eventually, got four stars with a bunch of reviews about excellent customer service. I thought, by that time, that my job was done and I could get the paycheck and said goodbye. One week before my contract was over, Catherine came to my office with her watery eyes and red nose. She was bawling and telling me that she got into a huge argument with Andrew, and that she decided to file a divorce.

That happening did not surprise or bother me. To be honest, besides working as Catherine's consultant, I also happened to befriended with her and we got along very well. This surprised me. I have been a lone wolf all my life and suddenly I stumbled upon of meeting her. When the first time we met and talked, we immediately clicked. I already knew that this friendship was there to keep and I made my precious time for her. We went out a couple of times and I enjoyed every outing. It would be lying to say if I was not impressed of her duration of Andrew's bad temper. If I were her, I would ditch him long before it would be too late. Catherine told me that Andrew and she would be just fine like other couples when it was not about business talk. I did not comment on anything she said about her marriage, but I did not get bored or anything. Personally, I did not like Andrew as a 'boss'. He was demanding and required precision in every little thing. A few conversations into the friendship of Catherine and me, she told me that Andrew used to be a leader of a group of 'bad people'. I assumed it was the truth without questioning anything, because it seemed to be true to me. But that was not important, nothing was.

I did not think much about what Catherine told me, though I sympathized with her deeply. It was simply that I did not know what to say to ease the pain she was feeling, you know? I was not good with words nor people. Conversations drained my energy. It was depressing and I was miserable enough... Andrew's day always started with arguments or moody expression on his face. Every single day I saw him walked into the restaurant, I felt as though someone was hanging a bunch of heavy clouds in the middle of the store. Good vibes were gone the moment he talked to us. What a pain in the neck, his temper. Time flied and he would just stay the same. Nothing ever changed. Everyone was tired and scared. We knew nothing else better. It was too much, even to Catherine.

So many times, I wanted to end the contract. I wanted to run away. I sought for an escape. I wanted to leave here. But no matter how hard I tried, Catherine was always standing at the end of the dead-end alley.
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