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[Band] NEWS ~ Never ending Wonderful Story ~

[Lấy địa chỉ]
Đăng lúc 2-12-2011 15:16:08 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Có bạn nào mún đọc fic của NEWS ko ;))
Vào blog của t đọc nha, mặc dù từ thuở khai sinh tới giờ t chưa đc đọc fic của NEWS bao giờ, chỉ toàn đọc ké với Kattun mà ko có cái nào riêng của NEWS vì thế nên có hứng t mới chế lên cho vui. Ủng hộ cho t nha ! (ngoài ra t còn làm sub nữa ;)) )
http://bffsubteam.blogspot.com/2 ... tegoshi-part-1.html

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em có thể post thẳng fic lên thread mà :D  Đăng lúc 4-12-2011 06:00 PM
Nếu như ko quảng bá sub đc thì e quảng bá fic có đc ko zậy vì em thấy chả ai viết fic NEWS cả :(  Đăng lúc 4-12-2011 04:41 PM
bé ơi, theo như ss bít thì em ko đc quản bá fansub khác ở đây đâu :-ss  Đăng lúc 4-12-2011 01:25 PM
Up nữa đi pạn, ủng hộ 1 cái nà ;))  Đăng lúc 4-12-2011 09:01 AM
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Đăng lúc 4-12-2011 09:02:59 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Các pạn cho mình hỏi Ryo và Pi đã rời nhóm r` nên nếu mình muốn up hình thì phải lập thread khác hoặc mình vẫn có thể post hình của họ ở thread này? {:310:}

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Nhưng nếu là về những hoạt động của các anh sau khi rời NEWS thì mình nghĩ ko nên ^^  Đăng lúc 4-12-2011 01:28 PM
Mình nghĩ là up ảnh của mấy anh thời còn hoạt động chắc chẳng sao đâu bạn ^^  Đăng lúc 4-12-2011 01:27 PM
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Đăng lúc 1-1-2012 23:40:37 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
NEWS JCD shop photoes

Cre: c:takakiharu&pigsmile74&yookoochan

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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 24-1-2012 08:24:40 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Bên này update lại page 1 đi nhỉ? NEWS 4 chứ còn 6 nữa đâu :(((
Dạo này bộ tóc của Pi thấy ớn nhưng trông anh vẫn đẹp trai chán. Còn Koyashige đều đẹp hẳn ra, hồi xem JECD năm nay mà bất ngờ trc Shige luôn. Lâu nay thấy lão già khằng mà giờ trẻ đẹp hẳn =)))

Bình luận

có chứ ^^. Mấy tấm ảnh NEWS 4 trên kia đẹp ghê. tego điệu kinh dị =)) P/S:Có tấm nào Tego để tóc bạch kim mới đây ko?  Đăng lúc 25-1-2012 12:48 AM
ồ Witch :)) nhận ra mình hem ;))  Đăng lúc 24-1-2012 11:39 AM
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Đăng lúc 25-1-2012 00:46:14 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
teenwitch gửi lúc 24-1-2012 08:24
Bên này update lại page 1 đi nhỉ? NEWS 4 chứ còn 6 nữa đâu :(((
Dạo này bộ tóc của Pi ...

Uh có. Mấy tấm ảnh trên kia đẹp ghê á. Tego điệu kinh dị =))
Bạn có tấm nào Tego để tóc bạch kim mới đây ko? Share cho mọi ng cùng xem đi ^^
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Đăng lúc 6-2-2012 15:46:40 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
ảnh mới của Tego nhà mình nè

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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 9-2-2012 00:05:06 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Wink Up March 2012 Valentine's day letters to NEWS  

To: Koyama Keiichiro,
Thank you always. I love you forever♡!
I always receive energy and courage from Keichan’s smile.When I see Caster Keichan during every. you’re so cool that I fall for you (*´ω`*)///
I really love Keichan♡ No, I really, really, really love you (lol). I’ll always love you from now on, so please do your best during work! Love NEWS ♡♡ Bye nya.

To: Marichan-san from Kyoto,
You mentioned about me being a caster! You deciding to say what’s on your mind about the bigger picture, when I see that, I think that the younger generation like us also has an interest in the news, so from now on they’ll watch it, I think. (He looks at the illustration) I’m happy about this. Thank you for the four-leaf clover too!


To: Masuda Takahisa-kun,
I was in first year of junior high when I first heard a Tegomasu song. It was “Kissu ~Kaerimichi no Love Song~”. When I heard it, I become a Tegomasu and NEWS fan!! And then, I love Massu with his very bright smile!!
Before Tegomasu started their live concerts and I found out that NEWS became 4 members, I cried for the whole day. But, I’ll support you for my whole life!! My last words!!  I love you♡♡ Please do your best with your work from now on! FROM: Maho.

To: Maho-san from Nagasaki,
You liked me when you listened to “Kissu ~Kaerimichi no Love Song~”!? I’m happy that you liked me. From now on I’ll do my best to sing even better songs, so please listen forever!


To: Tegoshi Yuya-kun,
I am a first year high school girl who loves Tegoshi-kun the most in the entire universe!!! Tegoshi-kun’s smile, singing voice (and singing stance too♡), cuteness, coolness, sadist side (lol), beauty mark, favourite phrase (“I see” (lol)), actions, I love them all (>ω<)♡♡♡ When you noticed my uchiwa during the concert, Tegoshi-kun did the “Tegoshi desu!” pose to me, when you pointed at me, when our eyes met, they’re all of my treasures. Thank you♡♡ From now on, Tegoshi Yuya, NEWS, and Tegomasu, I’ll support you all with all my might!!! I love you forever♡♡♡ Please marry me one day ♡♡♡ (lol)

To: Tegoshikku.san from Hokkaido,
“Please marry me”!? Even if you do say that, I have to do my idol duties~ (lol). Number one in the universe? Number one in the universe huh~. You’ve already gone beyond saying just “I like you” Tegoshikku.san, until I can make you melt, I’ll send you my love in 2012. Thank you for your support!


To: Kato Shigeaki-kun,
Hello (“^o^’)/ I’m always looking forward to “Shigebu” (Sora Shige BOOK – Shige’s radio show). The Chief’s “good night” is way too dangrerous. Shige-san’s voice and smile and everything, I love them. I’ll support you from now on!! I think you’re work must very hard, please do your best♪
P.S I’m looking forward to Shigeboshi (umeboshi).
Caption one with camera: WU’s serialisation is the best~ I’m trying my best with Shigebu’s photos too!
Caption two with fishing: You always give me energy.

To: Blue Hawaii Misaki-san from Kanagawa,
(With Shige’s guitar playing BGM) Cute handwriting, cute drawings, the fishing and the photos…you must really be interested in me~ I’ll do my best. I’ll do my best with the serialisation. Please keep listening to my radio show.
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Đăng lúc 11-2-2012 21:54:50 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
NEWS Question 10 March 2012 + Tegoshi's WU drawing of Hina  

1. Which do you like, dots or stripes (on clothing)?
Koyama: Stripes.
Massu: Dots.
Shige: Dots.
Tegoshi: Ha! Both are okay! I don’t wear either.

2. Do you use a schedule book?
Koyama: I don’t.
Massu: On my phone.
Shige: I do. On my phone.
Tegoshi: I use the one on my phone!

3.How many pairs of glasses used for fashion do you have?
Koyama: 3 pairs.
Massu: About 10 pairs maybe. Maybe not 10, but 5.
Shige: I think I have 5 pairs? Or maybe it was 4. 4.5 pairs.
Tegoshi: …5 pairs.

4. What cosplay do you want to try out?
Koyama: A cat costume.*
Massu: Nothing.
Shige: A detective.
Tegoshi: I want to try the same cosplays as other female idols (I’ve done quite a few now…).

5. NEWS are going to open a café! What café is it?
Koyama: A healing café. You’ll be very much soothed (Without caring that 4 people are there).
Massu: A café where the interior is stylish.
Shige: Jazz café.
Tegoshi: A café devoted to you. Kind of like a butler café.

6. Do you like omurice with ketchup or demi-glace?**
Koyama: Ketchup.
Massu: Demi-glace.
Shige: Demi-glace.
Tegoshi: Demi-glace…(he’s troubled for a moment) Ah! Demi-glace.

7. Which junior have you recently been interested in?
Koyama: Yabu. He got into university, I want him to do well.
Massu: Sexy Zone.
Shige: Marius!
Tegoshi: Nakayama Yuma-kun. I think his face will become really handsome in the future.

8. Please confess to something to the members.
Koyama: I’ll be 28 years old in May, I’ll be waiting for something.
Massu: I love you.
Shige: My book is getting released!!
Tegoshi: (Confession? Hmm confession?) I’ve been up for about 12 hours today.

9. A word to girls who will be confessing on Valentine’s!
Koyama: Think of it as a chance and good luck.
Massu: Just say it. Give me one too (that feeling is wonderful…).
Shige: You can do it, I believe in you.
Tegoshi: You can do it!

10.Please draw a camel.
Koyama:        Massu:
Shige:        Tegoshi: (2012, Camel ♥)

TeGO drawing segment. He drew Murakami from Kanjani8~

Tegoshi: This time too…I’ve drawn it really well. The body line? Eh? It’s normal, right? That’s the collar. I was drawing this way too smoothly, I even drew in a soccer ball.
Murakami: Why did you have to go and do this? Well, this still can’t rival Yoko’s or my drawings. 80 points….exactly how does my body look like to you?
* By cat costume he means this, not like a la Heavy Rotation cats XD
** Demi-glace is a type of brown sauce.

♪ So many fashion glasses lol~
♪ I'm expecting these cosplays in the next NEWS concert...and someone should convince Massu to cosplay XD
♪ A NEWS butler cafe..... ♥_♥ *throws money at screen*
♪ The drawings I just...omg, Koyama's is cute, idk where Massu went with his drawing, Shige's looks posh and Tego....no damn idea XD

Bình luận

trời ơi, Massu vs Tego vẽ cái ji vậy hả trời =)))))  Đăng lúc 28-2-2012 08:24 PM
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Đăng lúc 25-2-2012 02:37:08 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Hình ảnh mới của News

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Đăng lúc 15-3-2012 10:15:52 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
chào cả nhà, mình là mem mới, rất mong được làm quen{:291:}{:291:}{:291:}

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Chào bạn, mình cũng mới vào forum, mong được làm quen ^^  Đăng lúc 22-3-2012 11:06 PM
Welcome bạn :">. Dạo này mình bận quá, hôm nào rảnh rỗi sẽ edit lại p[rofile mấy anh. Gomen neh  Đăng lúc 15-3-2012 11:41 AM
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