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[2011][FM][Pic + Vid] 28-05-2011 Jang Keun Suk Cri Show in BangKok,ThaiLan

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Tác giả

Thời gian: 28/05/2011 (Thứ 7), 19.00-21.00 PM

Địa điểm: Impact Hall 2, Muangthongthani http://www.impact.co.th/en/facility_exhibition.php (tuyệt đẹp)

Presale: 6 - 8 Tháng 5/2011

Bắt đầu bán vé từ 15 Tháng 5/2011 trên trang http://www.411ent.com/jks/ticket.html

Trang FC của Suk ở TL, đẹp ghê :http://www.jangkeunsukthailand.com/

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k ... e=player_detailpage

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W ... e=player_detailpage
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 10-9-2011 18:00:30 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Ghế gỗ
 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 10-9-2011 18:01:11 | Chỉ xem của tác giả

So, no further due, let’s spoil our eyes with all great photos shared by eels whom send JKS off at the airport^^
And watch video of his departure

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I ... e=player_detailpage
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 10-9-2011 18:02:01 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Hi cri~

The beat is back. The music is rocking again and this time it will be in Bangkok!!! YAAAYY!!

Earlier days, JKS schedule in Thailand has been released:
(FYI: Big Brother (Kurt) went to Bangkok a day earlier^^)

And I also heard that 411ent had done a very impressive job making everything is well organized so far. So, that’s a good sign for Thailand!! You can catch up all updates about CRISHOW in Thailand under the sub-category 2011 THAILAND CRI SHOW^^

And also, I found this lovely fanmade banner:

2011 Asia Tour Cri Show – Bangkok (May 26, 2011) Part 1
Posted on May 27, 2011 by shiro401
What an exhausting day *sigh*

I arrived in Bangkok at 3:30pm, 40-min ahead of schedule. And there’s nothing inside the arrival hall. No restaurant, no coffee shop, not even vending machine. The only thing they have is cosmetic counters… and I had to spend 7  hours there T_T

Luckily by 8pm lily_white arrived, so I didn’t have to wait for him all by myself. We made our way to his gate around 9:30pm, and how different it was from last time! Only about 10-15 people were waiting with us; all mostly airport employees.  I was the only one rolling a luggage with me ;P

There was already one shuttle car stationed there, and about 6 security guards.  As time went by, more security guards came and more shuttle cars too (oh, they’re really better prepared this time around).  By 10pm, there were about 8 security guards there (there were only about 4 in January) and 5 shuttle cars (there was none in January) ready to whisk him off.  So I knew I had to move fast to catch up with the cars.

Passengers started to come out from the gate, and I saw his mom and dad out too. They waited for him at the side, then 411 CEO greeted them and took them to one of the shuttle cars. But they didn’t get in straight away; still waiting for their son to come out kkkkk

Then from afar I saw someone wearing black sleeveless shirt and sunglasses walking down the gate (I was still in the process of getting used to his new hairstyle, but when I saw him, I swear the hair looked pretty good! When it was on pics, one can focus too much on the hair. But seeing him again as a whole, he looked as good as ever ^O^) Not much screams this time around… I took one pic of him, and when I saw him getting into one of the shuttle, I ran like crazy to the immigration area. Hadn’t even had dinner yet and I was running until my breath whizzed ;P  Hunger, exhaustion and thirst were all forgotten at that moment hahahaha But all  paid off because I got to the immigration area ahead of the cars ^O^ I took out my  phone thinking to tweet something when I saw the cars arrived, so I took out my camera instead. He looked so relaxed, with his leg out at the side tapping the floor as the car moved… then off I went to the immigration as he went into the VIP section.

When I made my way to the custom, his group was walking down toward it too. I hurried and managed to slip by the security and ended up walking behind him ;P All thought about taking pics poofed from my mind (can’t blame me. he was really too close!! ;P)  All I thought about was how shiny and soft his hair looked, and how good his skin was. I could even see the little pores on his arm hahahaha ;P And he’s not as fair as I thought… a bit tanned.  Only when more people squeezed in before me, I remembered my camera kkkkk

Anyway, he gave flying kiss to the fans waiting for him while making his way out to the waiting cars.  More and more people squeezed in front of me, and I didn’t even try to get close to him anymore. I saw some friends and made my way to them while he went into the car.

All in all, it was a much better experience than last time. Nobody (well, only one or two) stepped on my feet this time ;P Waited for Weng to come while having super late dinner then made our way to the hotel around 1am ^^;; What a lo~~~ng day…

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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 10-9-2011 18:02:37 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Tiếp ảnh

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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 10-9-2011 18:03:00 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
2011 Asia Tour Cri Show – Bangkok (May 27, 2011) – Part 2
Posted on May 28, 2011 by shiro401

Fansign day!! ^___________^

There are 3 categories for fans to be in during the press conference/fansign/photo events: 100 fans would be in autograph session, 200 would join him during press conference, and 300 would take pics together with Keun Suk.  The eels who joined the press conference would go in and stood just behind the sitting VIP section. The eels with photo pass would gather on the right side. It was just my luck(and some effort  ^^) that I got the auto pass. But we were told that we had no specific place to gather (I was curious too where they would place us since they didn’t seem to prepare places for the autograph pass holders. And where would we go after we got the autograph… since the place was packed). Just that we had to gather in front of Diesel shop when they called us. So we were loitering around trying to find the best place to take pics before they called us. We  went from joining the crowd on 1st level (really couldn’t see anything >.<  to 2nd level, and even to 3rd level, before we decided to just try our luck and went back down to 1st level.  Just before the event started, we were called to gather, so we made our way to the Diesel shop. Never thought that it’s actually a quite good place to take pics kkkk at least here we didn’t have to watch from the screen, but could see the tiny people on the stage ;P

We were told to stand according to the number on our pass. Then Keun Suk came out on the stage wearing white suit and blue/gray shirt underneath. He looked around too see the fans and sent us flying kiss. Just like yesterday, I was struck by how good he actually looked in person; pictures really can’t do him (or his hair) justice ;P

The press conference lasted about 20 minutes, mainly consisting of answering several questions, taking pics with Ole representatives, and throwing some Ole candies to the fans: 1st floor and 2nd floor. And I love seeing him pitching the candies, because he didn’t just throw them to the nearest fans, but actually made some effort to send them up, left  and right to the fans ^O^

After the press conference, Keun Suk went in to his dressing area to take a 30-min break, and we started to move and follow the staff… to the VIP section! We got to sit! ^O^ And since my number is quite early, I got to sit on the 2nd row kkkkkk what a great place to be ;P The staff then told us that we’re supposed to go up the stage from the left, then made our way from the right… back to our seat! We got to sit for the whole event.  No need to find places to stand anymore. Wheeeeeee!!! I was so happy about this ^O^ The only thing I was unhappy about is that we were told he would only sign the poster for us and nothing else (thanks to the Thai eel beside me who translated this ;P) I want mine on my Let Me Cry CD or Cri J magazine T_T

Anyway, he came back to the stage and sat down on his seat. The eels were screaming “” when they saw him back. In return, he smiled, then he screamed “” too HAHAHAHAHA

Then the signing started. I prepared my gift for him (actually, the staff told us not to give him anything on the stage… but they spoke in Thai so I didn’t understand kkkkk) and what I would say to him, then made my way to the stage. My heart was beating fast as I handed him the paper with my name on it. He looked at it, looked up, smiled and said “So, you’re Cathy?” Oh Dear Lord, I was so stunned when I heard it I could only say a little yes and nodded. All words flew from my brain (I think if he said “so your name is Cathy” I wouldn’t be too shocked and would be able to say something ^^;; at least I hope so…).  Then as he drew and filled in the heart he was saying/singing “oh, Cathy”. My heart almost burst hahahaha Then I saw his ring and I remembered my gift, so I put it on the table and told him I had something for him. His manager wouldn’t permit it and pushed it back to me.  But he said it’s ok, and the Ole guy (he would always be Ole guy for me since he’s the one taking care of him during Ole event in January kkkk)  said it’s ok to the staff and my gift was safely received ^O^ Then I remembered I’d better say something. I planned to say “Sukkie suki des. Meromero des” just like how my Japanese friend taught me. But what came out of my mouth was only “meromero des” kkkkk ;P He laughed and said meromero, meromero kkkkkk (last year I told him I like him in Korean… and now in Japanese hahahaha)  Oh, and I got one intertwined hand and one hand shaken… weird… ^^;;

Ah if only my number was not so early (but then I wouldn’t have such a great seat ;P)… several people after me, a girl took out her book, and he started signing it when his manager pushed the book back toward the girl and (I think) told him to just sign the poster for her. Instead of signing the poster, he reached out and took the book back and signed it for her amidst the cheering eels (niceeeee Sukkie!!).  And even thought the staff made the announcement not to ask him to sign anywhere other than the poster and not to give him anything on stage (in English…. kkkkk), they’re not that strict anymore *sigh* Some fans who got middle-end numbers got their shirts signed, CD covers, pictures, etc.

One funny thing during the photo session was near the end. The eels were already in position for the pics when suddenly instead of Sukkie, Eun Suk came out and took Sukkie’s place in the middle LOLLL He grinned then ran back to the dressing area. Keun Suk was laughing hard as he stepped out ^O^ Then the next batch, it’s Gunsama’s turn kkkk but while Eun Suk was only there for 10 seconds, Gunsama spread his arms to the eels beside him and really took pics with them! All the while I could hear Keun Suk’s laughter, so it was funny and good for me kkkkkk Then another time, Gunsama did it again, but this time he did his wave dance version on the stage LOLLL and Keun Suk followed suit by doing his sexy back dance pose on the stage too when it was his turn ^O^ *don’t have piccs of this because I was laughing so hard and kyaaaa-ing

Cri show is next!! Can’t wait to see and hear him on the stage again ^O^

*pssst, btw, heard he went swimming last night ;P  We checked it out and saw some security guards guarding the entrance to the swimming pool. A staff there told us the pool was already closed and they were cleaning it… but we knew who were “cleaning” it there  hahahaha but then, we didn’t plan to disturb him or anything. Just nice to find out he was enjoying himself ^^*


SMS Updates from BKK ^^

Here's the SMS I received from SS Weng straight from Thailand.

11:30pm - He sang My Precious then I will promise you as encore wearing I love fan white shirt with Suni big doll

11:14pm - He sang Gotta Getcha twice and Shake it Shake it. They're showing videos of cri show backstage now. He came out again wearing blue see-through over white tank top

10:49pm - He watergunned us. hahaha... he brought Keunsama and let him dance. Now, it's Jason's turn. They're having a dance off

10:23pm - It's Lounge H time !!!

10:20pm - Fan Game is over. He gave autographed trading cards and gifts to the 3 winners. He hugged them all. He's singing Promise now.

9:58pm - He sang Hello Hello. Now, they're showing excerpts from You're Beautiful. Hwang Tae Kyung is up next ...

9:46pm - Showed excerpts from Marry Me, Mary then he sang My Bus. Being interviewed about Kang Mu Gyul

9:25pm - Showed pictures in Europe. They showed a picture of him in a pink sweater. They asked him something then he said, " Don't worry!! I love women. I'm not gay. "

9:17pm - JKS is doing interview now. Showed excerpts from Budapest Diary

8:56pm - JKS sang Let Me Cry. Then talked a bit. Now. He's singing Oh My Darling.

4:20pm - JKS left the hotel. He's on his way to rehearsals. He was wearing a white shirt with orange stripes.
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 10-9-2011 18:03:31 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
JKS looks good with his casual dress all in black and he is smiling the whole time!!!
While in Bangkok,eels and medias are starting to fill in all empty spot in the airport. A white limousine is getting ready and few vans will escort the Prince to hotel
(ảnh cái xe ss zang đã post nhé)

As he arrives………

You probably been wondering how wild last night was, well, wonder no more, because there are few video shared by our kind heart eels.
Cookies for eels:

#1 JKS wave to almost all of his awaiting fans at airport with wide smile. Making everyone so captivated by him

#2 JKS greet his Sunbae (from HYU) upon seeing him.

#3 JKS has new nick now. If you come across a word Tee Rak and there’s a photo of JKS there, fret not. JKS didn’t change his name, keke…but that was his nickname given for him while he’s in Thailand now.

#4 Tee Rak means Boyfriend

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o ... e=player_detailpage
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o ... e=player_detailpage

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u ... e=player_detailpage

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j ... e=player_detailpage
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j ... e=player_detailpage
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o ... e=player_detailpage
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D ... e=player_detailpage
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 10-9-2011 18:03:57 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 10-9-2011 18:04:39 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 10-9-2011 18:04:55 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Jang Geun Suk công khai ảnh hậu trường Cri Show Thái Lan

Jang Geun Suk tổ chức Cri Show tại Thái Lan với lịch trình dày đặc, bao gồm họp báo, ký tặng fan.

Theo ký giả tại Thái Lan, quy định của buổi ký tặng là chỉ ký lên poster. Tuy nhiên có 1 fan muốn được ký lên album đã bị bảo vệ chặn lại, nhưng Geun Suk vẫn vui vẻ nói anh sẽ ký cho fan đó và còn cảm ơn cô. Hành động này của Geun Suk làm các fan vô cùng cảm động và ấn tượng vì trái tim ấp áp của Geun Suk. Cùng ngày Geun Suk tham gia event giao lưu và chụp ảnh với fan, anh luôn luôn tươi cười trong suốt thời gian trả lời phỏng vấn.

Một số ảnh hậu trường cũng được công bố, cho thấy Geun Suk trong giờ giải lao vẫn chăm chú đọc kịch bản.

Jang Geun Suk đang mở rộng quy mô Asia tour hàng năm của anh, cho biết: "Chuyện đường xa với tôi không phải là vấn đề, chỉ cần gặp các fan tôi đã thấy hạnh phúc. Tôi muốn được gặp gỡ trò chuyện với tất cả các fan, nhưng tiếc là thời gian không thoải mái nên thật thất vọng. Tôi hy vọng sau này còn nhiều hơn nữa những cơ hội gặp gỡ fan các nước như thế này."

Jang Geun Suk sẽ còn tổ chức tour diễn này tại Malaysia, Taiwan và Shanghai.

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